ISBI 2006: IEEE 2006 International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, April 6-9, 2006, Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, Virginia, U.S.A.

Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Computer Vision for Systems Biology
Time:Thursday, April 6, 15:42 - 16:04
Presentation: Special Session Oral
Title: Time-Lapse Microscopy-Based Genome Wide RNAi Screening in Live Human Cells
Authors: Beate Neumann; European Molecular Biology Laboratory 
 Michael Held; European Molecular Biology Laboratory 
 Urban Liebel; European Molecular Biology Laboratory 
 Holger Erfle; European Molecular Biology Laboratory 
 Phill Rogers; European Molecular Biology Laboratory 
 Rainer Pepperkok; European Molecular Biology Laboratory 
 Jan Ellenberg; European Molecular Biology Laboratory 
Abstract: Specific knock-down of gene expression by RNA interference is the method of choice to study gene function in human cells. A uniquely detailed phenotypic readout of such hypomorphs is possible by live cell microscopy of appropriate fluorescent reporter proteins. Here, I will present a fully automated method for RNAi screens in cultured human cells, combining reverse transfection by siRNA cellarrays, automated time-lapse fluorescence microscopy and computational phenotype analysis by image processing. The strategy is illustrated using an automatically scored mitosis assay [1] and provides an easily scalable platform that we currently use in genome-wide RNAi screens for several cellular functions.

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