General Information
REFUNDS - As a reminder, the registration fees cannot be refunded.
NO SHOW- By contributing a manuscript for consideration to ISBI’14, the Conference has the expectation that accepted papers will be presented either by the Corresponding author or a co-author. In order to maintain quality control of its Conference, EMBS has implemented a Policy for Authors regarding “No Show” Presentations. Please review these guidelines in detail here. If your co-author needs to present, you should complete a form located on the website and submit it 10 days prior to the meeting.
X-PLORE - 4 page papers for those attendees who present at the conference will be submitted to Xplore within 90 days post conference. 1-page accepted papers (standard 1-page and special session 1-page papers) that were presented will not be published in Xplore. No abstracts or papers will be included in the printed proceedings. No changes can be made to this schedule.
HOTEL - 27 March 2014:Hotel reservation deadline. Please note that we only reserved a few rooms at the group rate and we had a tremendous response to the paper submission. We recommend that you book your room as soon as possible as it is part of the Visa requirement.