ISBI 2006: IEEE 2006 International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, April 6-9, 2006, Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, Virginia, U.S.A.

Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Time:Thursday, April 6, 15:20 - 16:40
Presentation: Poster
Title: A Fast and Robust ODF Estimation Algorithm in Q-Ball Imaging
Authors: Maxime Descoteaux; INRIA Sophia Antipolis 
 Elaine Angelino; Harvard University 
 Shaun Fitzgibbons; Harvard University 
 Rachid Deriche; INRIA Sophia Antipolis 
Abstract: We propose a simple and straightforward analytic solution for the Q-ball reconstruction of the diffusion orientation distribution function (ODF) of the underlying fiber population. First, the signal is modeled with a high order spherical harmonic series using a Laplace-Beltrami regularization method which leads to an elegant mathematical simplification of the Funk-Radon transform using the Funk-Hecke formula. In doing so, we obtain a fast and robust model-free ODF approximation. We validate the accuracy of the estimation quantitatively against synthetic data generated from the multi-tensor model and show that our estimated ODF can recover known multiple fiber regions in a biological phantom and in the human brain.

ISBI 2006 is sponsored by

IEEE IEEE Signal Processing Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

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