ISBI 2006: IEEE 2006 International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, April 6-9, 2006, Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, Virginia, U.S.A.

Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Image Segmentation and Shape Analysis
Time:Friday, April 7, 09:30 - 09:50
Presentation: Oral
Title: MRI Brain Image Segmentation by Adaptive Spatial Deterministic Annealing Clustering
Authors: Zhi Min Wang; Nanyang Technological University 
 Qing Song; Nanyang Technological University 
 Yeng Chai Soh; Nanyang Technological University 
Abstract: This paper describes a novel image segmentation algorithm suitable for MRI image segmentation. We introduce a new dissimilarity measure which incorporates the spatial connectivity. A fully automatic technique is developed to obtain the segmentation result and the new clustering objective function incorporates the spatial information. The weighting factor for neighborhood effect is adaptive to the image content. It enhances the smoothness towards piecewise-homogeneous region and reduces the edge-blurring effect. The experimental results with synthetic and MRI brain images demonstrate that the proposed method is effective in improving the segmentation and it outperforms the popular Markov Random Field algorithm.

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