ISBI 2006: IEEE 2006 International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, April 6-9, 2006, Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, Virginia, U.S.A.

Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Optical and Infrared Imaging
Time:Friday, April 7, 17:20 - 17:40
Presentation: Oral
Title: A Novel Framework for Elastography and Modulus Estimation: Integration of Tissue Mechanics with Imaging
Authors: Reza Karimi; Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Massachusetts General Hospital 
 Raymond R. Chan; Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School 
 Stuart L. Houser; Massachusetts General Hospital 
 Brett E. Bouma; Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School 
 Mohammad R. Kaazempur Mofrad; University of California, Berkeley 
Abstract: The feasibility of optical coherence elastography is examined and the steps necessary for registration of optical coherence tomography (OCT) images are developed. We address the drawbacks of conventional techniques for solving the “image registration problem and inverse elasticity problem (IEP)” and then propose a new scheme for simultaneous solution of both problems. We have previously exploited the kinematics of incompressible tissue as a side-constraint term in OCT registration, and we now assess how the integration of FEM-derived mechanics directly within the registration process, improves the overall quality. The new technique estimates fewer unknowns and still it generates more realistic strain/modulus maps with less sensitivity to local minima. It is composed of a series of computationally-efficient and robust algorithms to create elastograms and elastic modulus maps and it does not need to utilize a multi resolution grid. Finally, we apply our scheme to a porcine aorta and demonstrate its ability in recovering lipid pools both in the strain map and in the elastic modulus image.

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IEEE IEEE Signal Processing Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

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